​100% Non-Invasive, No Pain and No contact!
Rehabilitation (Muscle Pain, CVA, Sprain)
Neurosurgery & Orthopedics (Spine, Joint, Fracture)
Rheumatology ( Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout)
Cervical disc / HCD -C5.6.7
Lumbar disc / HNP - L5.S1
Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar Disc/HNP
Carpal Tunnel Syndrom/CTS
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome / CRPS Multiple Case
Facial Palsy
Arteriosclerotic Obliterances
Herpes Zoster
Breast Cancer
Interesting Facts
The credit for this technology goes to William Herschel, who conceived the idea in the early 1900's.
This state-of-the art device has zero risk, emits zero radiation, and is safe for both pregnant woman, infants and children.
Thermography has very close correlation with other conventional diagnostic tools. And it has the highest Correlation rate with symptoms as 93% in aspect of the diagnostic accuracy